Friday, June 29, 2007
Extended Mercy
After, cooling down. On the way home, I did ponder. Why did I get so upset? It has only been five days of potty training, and she is still learning. She has been doing great so far. So what if she had an accident twice. I came prepared for it.
While, driving home and mediating on the song "at the foot of the cross" by Tammy Trent. I was reminded how we should extend mercy towards others and that goes especially for our own children. I just had to laugh because God is patient with me when I make mistakes. He extends HIS unfailing mercy to me daily. Why not show that towards my children? So, I repent for being short with Fiona. And, I gave her lots of kisses and hugs.
Sometimes, we need the Holy Spirit to remind us that we are not perfect. And, that we are all striving to be complete in Christ. Like the versus says in Roman, "we fall short of the glory of God." But, thanks to his Name for HIS amazing love.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Stop Complaining
I read these two versus and I am reminded of myself and my attitude at times when things get tough. Like the Israelites, I feel that God had brought us out of a land where we were just going through for a long time. And, so HE opened the doors for us to migrate to Georgia. However, just like the Israelites, when times got tough for us here, we complained and grumbled at God, and even question us making the right decision. How funny is that. Well it is not.
Our Lord has provided for us. HE has protected us. HE has given us so much and yet we still complain, like HE has done nothing for us at all. How ungrateful we are to HIM. And, yet regardless of it all, HE still reaches HIS gentle hands out to us.
Now, when I find myself in a place of murmur, I quickly repent and thank HIM for his goodness. What do we really have to complain about? When others around us in this world have much less than we do. I think we are so spoiled here in America and we take life for granted. Where in other countries people are dying just to live.
So, now I take each day to thank God for all HE has done. And, I make it a point to pray what I am thankful for in front of my children so that they too will understand.
Potty training
First day in potty training and I have to admit, it is going well. Doing the number 1 (pee) is okay, it is doing the number 2 (poo) that is in question. She did the #2 twice today in her underwear. I keep telling her we do the #2 in the potty. I know that she will get it soon. Just work in process. We just need to take it one step at a time.
What I noticed about myself in potty training my daughter, is the patience I have now. With my son, I have to admit I was not as patient. I mean he got the number 1 (pee) find. It was doing the number 2 (poo) that I was having a hard time with him in doing.
I encourage her and tell her that she is a big girl now. She loves her big girl underwear. So, every time she potties I clap my hands and say good job. I give her a high-five and she jumps up and down. She is happy. My son joins in on the party and gives her a big hug, and tells her good job as well. I am really happy that the first day went well.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Loving Your Job through a Positive Attitude
Some of us hate our jobs, or if we do like our jobs we have bad employers or bad employees that make going to work a chore. This morning I read a word from my devotions that really put a twist in things for me about our attitudes towards our jobs and maybe towards our life in general.
It states seven things that we need to do to achieve happiness in our work environment. I will take it a step further and say achieving happiness in our life in general.
1. See work as God's gift, not punishment.
2. Recognize God as your true employer.
3. Pursue work compatible with your gifts.
4. Learn everything possible about your job.
5. Use criticism to your advantage.
6. Do more than is expected of you.
7. Make Jesus your work partner.
By: Trinity Chapel Daily Devotions
The way I see it life is work. We are constantly in battle and I feel that God has given us the tools to overcome each situation or obstacle that we face in life. I think that by taken the tools that God has given us and having God with us in all things will definitely help us through the ugly situations life posses on us daily. As Christians we have to come to a point in our walk and say enough is enough. When are we going to grow-up? We are always complaining when things get tough. And, I wonder what God is saying to himself when we complain so much in his ears?
Why not wake-up to the fact that yes life is hard. Yes, we all have been through stuff. Now, lets change that by going into the Word and use and listen to what God has given us to improve ourselves daily. This goes for me as well.
We all have purpose in life to achieve the greatness that God has placed in us. These tools are effective if we take to time to say okay, I will choose to have a Christ attitude. I feel that if we say that we are Christians, then we need to be just that. Imitators of Christ.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
You have to continue to "FIGHT" through.
Life is hard and we all know that. However, we have to "truly truly" choose to be happy. The enemy is hard at working to create chaos for us daily in our lives. We have a God who is strong and mighty, and who already has and continues to get victory for us. But we have to choose to over come every obstacle that we face. Listening to that song just empowered me more to continue on the fight.
I know that facing obstacles is not easy, believe me I had my share of terrible events. But you know what the difference is, is that I chose to continue on regardless of the situations. Also, I know that whenever we are going through something, God places people there to encourage us through.
So, do not give up because you already have the victory.
"See yourself at the finish line.
Visualize that everything will fall in line.
Visualize the land while riding through the storm.
Believe that you can make it.
Believe that you are special.
Believe you have the victory. " --by Yolanda Adams.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I just thank God for him everyday. Today, I got up early to cook him breakfast, brought him his card, and I told him to focus on himself today. Usually, he helps me bathe the kids and get them ready. But, today I just wanted him to focus on himself. It was all about him. And, he just hugged me and kissed me. I really love my husband with all my heart. Because, he is so good to me, I am determine to strive everyday to be an awesome wife to him.
My husband is such an encourager to me. He always lifts me up. He tells me that I can do anything. He acknowledges my potential. He is my cheerleader. He is my fan. And, I thank him for that. I listen to other women complain about their husbands and I thank God for mine, and I really try not to get in that mine frame with them. First, because I know better and second I do not have anything to complain about. My husband is good to me. And, it would be a sin to complain.
When I read the word of how in Ephesians 5:22- "when it speaks about wives being submitted to your husbands as unto the Lord." I can truly say that it is easy to be submitted to my husband because he truly strives to love me as "Christ loves the church (Eph.5: 25)". My husband's goal and purpose in life is to the be the man of God he is called to be, and also to be a good provider to his family; and to be an awesome husband and father to us.
We talk a lot about how we can better ourselves in our walk with Christ. We truly strive to be the best we can to model godliness to our children. That is why I say how did I get so lucky?
However, I do believe God knew what I needed in a man. He found me someone to compliment me. To complete me in every sense of the word. Guy is my soul mate. I love him and I tell him that everyday. Every moment that we spent together is precious.
So, today I encourage you to love your husband. Truly love every aspect of him. To love his accomplishments because in true essence his accomplishments is your accomplishments. Today, love him with every fiber of your being. Show your husband the love that God has shown you.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
An Ode to Fathers.
So, today I tip my hat to you all and say thank you!! Thank you for being here when others are not. Thank you for being great providers and protectors for your love ones and not complaining about doing so. Thank you for showing love and being involve in your children lives. Thank you for showing interest in your spouse wants, needs, and desire. Thank you for just being a great Dad!!
Thank you to my own husband whom I love dearly. He is more than enough to me. I thank him for being a loving and caring soul to us all. Thank you Guy for being my beloved husband and father to our children.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Wisdom Keys
-Decide who you will teach and you will remember.
2. Your pain decides your goal
-Your reaction to your pain is a portrait of your character.
3. Your goal decides your focus
-What you see feuls your desire.
4. Your focus decides your passion
-Never put in front of you what doesn't belong in you.
5. Your passion chooses your mentor
6. Your mentor decides your wisdom
- Your mentor is not your cheerleader but your coach.
7. Your wisdom selects your relationships
-bad relationships:
1-those who feed your doubts
2-those who feed your greed
3-those who feed your fear
4-those who feed your rebellion
5-those who feed your weakness
8. Your relationships decides how you see yourself
-You cannot out perform yourself portrait.
-Self talk is crucial to renew your mind.
9. Your self-portrait determines your attitude.
10. Your attitude determines your access.
11. Your access decides your opportunity.
12. Your enemies decides your prompotions.
13. Your excellence decides your recognition.
14. Your faith decides your miracles and not your needs.
By Pastor Fowlers.
When my best friend shared these notes by her pastor with me. I had to quickly write them down. These key points spoke loudly to me. It just allowed me to re-evulate some things in my life. It gave me a better perspective. I was able to start renewing my thought patterns and my attitude about certain things in my life. And, my eyes and heart was open a bit more to the possbility. So, I shared them with you. Maybe you might be going through something and need some direction. Why not start with these wisdom keys? And, see how they aid in giving you a brighter perspective on things.
Friday, June 8, 2007
I was reminded of that when I celebrated my son's fourth birthday. As I watched his excitement of his Thomas the train cake coming before him and how happy he was. I am taken back to when he was just a little tiny baby in my arms. I remember the agony of bringing him into this world. My labor with him was so long and hard. It was to the point where the doctors decided to do a c-section with him because he was just not coming out. After delivering him, he was in the intensive care unit for while, so they could stabilize his insulin levels. With my son I had gestational diabetes. So, they needed to see that he can stabilize his insulin on his on. I was terrified. I started to cry because I wondered if he would come home with me when I left the hospital. I remember going to the intensive care unit where he was. The nurse telling me to talk to him. So, as I started talking to him I started crying and telling him of how much I loved him and how I needed him to be strong and pull through. And, I went back to my room and prayed. Then, that following day the nurse told me that they will be bringing him to me. I was so revealed and blessed. I finally had a chance to hold him in my arms. He was so handsome with so much hair.
Now, he is 4 years of age and I can still remember. That is something I do not ever want to forget. Being a mother is a wonderful job and huge responsibility. God's given us the opportunity to mold little people into HIS image. They are our treasure. Our legency for tomorrow. And, that is something I do not want to take lightly. As a mother, I do strive daily to pour into my children my best that God have given me. These children are the future for tomorrow and I want to equip them with everything that God has enstore for them.
I think how lucky my kids have it. To be born into a family who is saved and filled the awesome power of God is a miracle in itself. Especially, in the world that we live in. I look at the news and see and hear the terrible things that the children of today are facing daily and it hurts my heart. That is why I am so determine to raise my children to be focus on God. I am doing my best to live a life worthy for them to see and say they too love the Lord with all their hearts. My prayer is constantly Lord shape me into your image so my children can see your glory.
I believe my children our purposed for greatness, and in that lives will be saved. I can see it. That is why for me as a mother, I strive to live each day as it is my last because tomorrow is not promised to me. But within those days to show God true in my life.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
God's People
They are ordinary people with exuding power. They are faith filled, enduring, loving people who in the face of obstacles hold their ground. They are victorious when troubles arise. They are conquers when persecuted. They are humble and not boastful. They are forgiving, kind, and gentle. They are strong pillars of salt. They are solid rocks, good soil, and are anointed by God. They posse strong faith. They look at a problem and press on. They are not double minded instead their minds are renewed everyday.
Who are these people I am speaking about?
They are the ones who rise to the occasion. They are the ones who are strong and encouraged. They are the ones whose hearts are bent towards God. They are the ones who please HIM and seek HIM with all their hearts. They are the people who delight in the HIM at all times. They are the people whose spirit produce love, joy, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, patience, and self-control. They are the ones who are wise, are understanding, and our knowledgeable. They reverence HIM. They trust HIM and lean not to their own understanding.
Then how will you know them?
That my friend is easy because God's people look like HIM!!
Changes Come
However, for most change brings an excitement. New beginning. A fresh start. Wanting something different to happen, or even looking for something new to come their way. While the rest of us dredge the change with each step. So, my question is, do we embrace change coming or chase it away? That is something you have to answer for yourself? However, I will have to embrace it.
Change is not always a negative thing it could be beneficial. Change will allow us to grow and mature. It will help us to embrace the unthinkable, the miraculous, and unexplainable. Change allows us to boarden our scope, and I know our hearts and minds are better for it. Change is something we will face daily. Our world is changing everyday in front of our eyes. Come to look at it, we change as well. For example, with age comes change, with time comes change, our physical being is consistently changing. Our emotions as well. So, again I ask will we through ourselves to change or hide from it? For me, I think that change is what makes us or breaks us. So think about it?