Saturday, June 9, 2007

Wisdom Keys

1. Every problem is a wisdom problem
-Decide who you will teach and you will remember.

2. Your pain decides your goal
-Your reaction to your pain is a portrait of your character.

3. Your goal decides your focus
-What you see feuls your desire.

4. Your focus decides your passion
-Never put in front of you what doesn't belong in you.

5. Your passion chooses your mentor

6. Your mentor decides your wisdom
- Your mentor is not your cheerleader but your coach.

7. Your wisdom selects your relationships
-bad relationships:
1-those who feed your doubts
2-those who feed your greed
3-those who feed your fear
4-those who feed your rebellion
5-those who feed your weakness

8. Your relationships decides how you see yourself
-You cannot out perform yourself portrait.
-Self talk is crucial to renew your mind.

9. Your self-portrait determines your attitude.
10. Your attitude determines your access.
11. Your access decides your opportunity.
12. Your enemies decides your prompotions.
13. Your excellence decides your recognition.
14. Your faith decides your miracles and not your needs.

By Pastor Fowlers.

When my best friend shared these notes by her pastor with me. I had to quickly write them down. These key points spoke loudly to me. It just allowed me to re-evulate some things in my life. It gave me a better perspective. I was able to start renewing my thought patterns and my attitude about certain things in my life. And, my eyes and heart was open a bit more to the possbility. So, I shared them with you. Maybe you might be going through something and need some direction. Why not start with these wisdom keys? And, see how they aid in giving you a brighter perspective on things.

3 comments: said...


These keys are sooo good! Thank you for sharing them! I am so excited for your web page! Write on my friend!


Jennifer said...

I love these keys. I am going to print this out to look at often! Thanks for your wisdom!

Charlotte said...

Thank you for sending me the newsletter Tracy. It is so encouraging and refreshing for me to read. I needed these keys too, today, this week, this month!
Thanks again!
