Monday, June 25, 2007

Potty training

Today, I decided to make my mind up and potty train my daughter. I was reluctant at first in doing so. Mainly, because I was lazy. Lately, she has been showing interest in potty training. So, yesterday my husband and I were talking and decided that it was time.

First day in potty training and I have to admit, it is going well. Doing the number 1 (pee) is okay, it is doing the number 2 (poo) that is in question. She did the #2 twice today in her underwear. I keep telling her we do the #2 in the potty. I know that she will get it soon. Just work in process. We just need to take it one step at a time.

What I noticed about myself in potty training my daughter, is the patience I have now. With my son, I have to admit I was not as patient. I mean he got the number 1 (pee) find. It was doing the number 2 (poo) that I was having a hard time with him in doing.

I encourage her and tell her that she is a big girl now. She loves her big girl underwear. So, every time she potties I clap my hands and say good job. I give her a high-five and she jumps up and down. She is happy. My son joins in on the party and gives her a big hug, and tells her good job as well. I am really happy that the first day went well.

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