Friday, June 29, 2007

Extended Mercy

Today, I found myself in a place where I was bothered. Tonight, we went out to dinner with the kids. And, Fiona pee-pee twice on herself. I was upset. She was doing so well. Then, she goes and has an accident. My husband told me that I should of placed a diaper on her. However, I did not want to hear from him at that moment.

After, cooling down. On the way home, I did ponder. Why did I get so upset? It has only been five days of potty training, and she is still learning. She has been doing great so far. So what if she had an accident twice. I came prepared for it.

While, driving home and mediating on the song "at the foot of the cross" by Tammy Trent. I was reminded how we should extend mercy towards others and that goes especially for our own children. I just had to laugh because God is patient with me when I make mistakes. He extends HIS unfailing mercy to me daily. Why not show that towards my children? So, I repent for being short with Fiona. And, I gave her lots of kisses and hugs.

Sometimes, we need the Holy Spirit to remind us that we are not perfect. And, that we are all striving to be complete in Christ. Like the versus says in Roman, "we fall short of the glory of God." But, thanks to his Name for HIS amazing love.

1 comment:

Angel321 said...

I hate potty training. Thus far it is the worst part of parenting. UUGGH! I have worked with Anna a few days here and there, but it is nearly time to break bad and go all the way. She has pooped on the floor several times, and peed.

Do you think God rolls his eyes and becomes exasperated at certain things he has to teach us? because he knows it is going to be a pain.

Love you, missed you at life net.