Monday, June 25, 2007

Stop Complaining

Exodus 16:2-3, "In the desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. The Israelites said to them, If only we had died by the Lord's hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death."

I read these two versus and I am reminded of myself and my attitude at times when things get tough. Like the Israelites, I feel that God had brought us out of a land where we were just going through for a long time. And, so HE opened the doors for us to migrate to Georgia. However, just like the Israelites, when times got tough for us here, we complained and grumbled at God, and even question us making the right decision. How funny is that. Well it is not.

Our Lord has provided for us. HE has protected us. HE has given us so much and yet we still complain, like HE has done nothing for us at all. How ungrateful we are to HIM. And, yet regardless of it all, HE still reaches HIS gentle hands out to us.

Now, when I find myself in a place of murmur, I quickly repent and thank HIM for his goodness. What do we really have to complain about? When others around us in this world have much less than we do. I think we are so spoiled here in America and we take life for granted. Where in other countries people are dying just to live.

So, now I take each day to thank God for all HE has done. And, I make it a point to pray what I am thankful for in front of my children so that they too will understand.

1 comment:

Angel321 said...

Have you been watching Joyce Meyers. She was teaching on this exact thing a couple of weeks ago. She showed in nearly three or four chapters right after God did something big, the scripture says the Israelites began murmuring and complaining. I used to think they were idiots. They had seen God split the red sea for crying out loud! But the truth is we too have seen miracles in our lives, and then complain against God.

Specifically, We see miracles in our finances every month , yet still fret or concern ourselves with the next month. You would think we would learn wouldn't you?

Great post!