Friday, June 8, 2007


We sometimes forget that life is short. That we are only here for a moment.

I was reminded of that when I celebrated my son's fourth birthday. As I watched his excitement of his Thomas the train cake coming before him and how happy he was. I am taken back to when he was just a little tiny baby in my arms. I remember the agony of bringing him into this world. My labor with him was so long and hard. It was to the point where the doctors decided to do a c-section with him because he was just not coming out. After delivering him, he was in the intensive care unit for while, so they could stabilize his insulin levels. With my son I had gestational diabetes. So, they needed to see that he can stabilize his insulin on his on. I was terrified. I started to cry because I wondered if he would come home with me when I left the hospital. I remember going to the intensive care unit where he was. The nurse telling me to talk to him. So, as I started talking to him I started crying and telling him of how much I loved him and how I needed him to be strong and pull through. And, I went back to my room and prayed. Then, that following day the nurse told me that they will be bringing him to me. I was so revealed and blessed. I finally had a chance to hold him in my arms. He was so handsome with so much hair.

Now, he is 4 years of age and I can still remember. That is something I do not ever want to forget. Being a mother is a wonderful job and huge responsibility. God's given us the opportunity to mold little people into HIS image. They are our treasure. Our legency for tomorrow. And, that is something I do not want to take lightly. As a mother, I do strive daily to pour into my children my best that God have given me. These children are the future for tomorrow and I want to equip them with everything that God has enstore for them.

I think how lucky my kids have it. To be born into a family who is saved and filled the awesome power of God is a miracle in itself. Especially, in the world that we live in. I look at the news and see and hear the terrible things that the children of today are facing daily and it hurts my heart. That is why I am so determine to raise my children to be focus on God. I am doing my best to live a life worthy for them to see and say they too love the Lord with all their hearts. My prayer is constantly Lord shape me into your image so my children can see your glory.

I believe my children our purposed for greatness, and in that lives will be saved. I can see it. That is why for me as a mother, I strive to live each day as it is my last because tomorrow is not promised to me. But within those days to show God true in my life.

1 comment: said...

Your blog page is beautiful! I love the poka-dots and your words are uplifting and refreshing - just like you! I praise God for you and celebrate the gifts within you Stephanie! Write on my sweet friend! I love you!