Saturday, March 15, 2008

Too Many Distractions

I have been so distracted these past couple of months that I hardly had time to keep up with my journal writings. I was telling a friend of mine of how I just did not want to write because it started to become another chore. And, when my mind started flooding with thoughts of what to write I just did not have the time to sit down and write them down.
In this life we live in today, there are too many distractions and not enough time to just silence the noise externally and internally. And, come to find out the most distractions or I should say the most noise level is internally. I find that we need to silence that noise more than any other noise else where. I find myself when it is time to wind down that is when my mind become filled with the pouring in of the noise. Noise of projects not getting down to finding schools for our children.
At times, I find myself thinking of nonsense things as well. It is amazing how our minds just wander aimlessly from one thought to another. So, I have decided to silence the nonsense noise. I will start spending 5 minutes away from external distractions and sit quietly and shut off the internal noise. And, eventually I will work my way up to 15 minutes. I will start to mediate on God's word in my quiet time.

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