Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Great Weekend with My Husband.

This past weekend my husband and I got a chance to have some alone time by ourselves without having our children. My closest friend, Jacqueline, had taken my children for us while we had some alone time. It has been seven long years since my husband and I had some alone time or had a date since we started having children. It was so weird because for the first time I did not have anything to say. ( And, I am a talkative person.) I was speechless.
It was hard because all our conversation has been around the children and about superficial conversations. But eventually, we started talking and it was fun. It had been so long that we did not what felt like to be without children. I have to admit it felt good to be without my children for the past weekend. We had laughed and just enjoyed being around each other. We were like teenagers. It felt good to be with my husband and not have to worry about the children for a change.
It is so important to schedule the date nights or weekend get aways because if not you both will wake-up one day and truly not know each other. I felt refreshed and anew. It was great. We will definitely be scheduling more date nights and weekend get aways together. And, now I have a good support system with my friend where we will trade off with each other. It is really great.

Awesome weekend. We will definitely be having more.

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