Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A proud mother.

Tonight my heart is overjoyed. I had a graduation ceremony to celebrate the students that will be moving up to the preschool rainbows at my church. And, my son also graduated from the green rainbows to the blue rainbows. Looking at these kids just grow up and become independent of their parents. I love to hear my son say "I am a big boy mommy not a little boy." He has already asserted his independence from us. He is looking more at his daddy and wants to emulate him so much.

I am so proud of my baby. He earned 11 units badges from his class today. He received the second most from his class. The max is 12. He is so smart. He just loves learning. I thank God for his ability to want to learn. He is my little baby. I love to see their accomplishments. It just makes me feel so good. When they accomplished something; it just means I too accomplished it with them. It is so amazing to just see them develop so much right before our eyes. My husband is so proud of our son that he was the loudest cheering for Michael when they called him up. It is a wonderful joy to have children in our lives. It is a humbling experience.

They are growing up so fast. It was just a couple of weeks ago when Fiona was in diapers. Now she is fully potty train. She is a big girl. I just never want to forget any moment with them. I do cherished them so much. Our children are our treasure. And, I thank God for them.

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