Sunday, June 17, 2007


I am a truly blessed. Today, we celebrated Father's Day. And, as I took the time to reflect on the man my husband is, I have to say that I am blessed. Today, we all went out to eat to his favorite restaurant. And, it was amazing. We all were laughing and enjoying each others company. I just looked at him and said to myself, he is such an awesome husband and father. How did I get so lucky?

I just thank God for him everyday. Today, I got up early to cook him breakfast, brought him his card, and I told him to focus on himself today. Usually, he helps me bathe the kids and get them ready. But, today I just wanted him to focus on himself. It was all about him. And, he just hugged me and kissed me. I really love my husband with all my heart. Because, he is so good to me, I am determine to strive everyday to be an awesome wife to him.

My husband is such an encourager to me. He always lifts me up. He tells me that I can do anything. He acknowledges my potential. He is my cheerleader. He is my fan. And, I thank him for that. I listen to other women complain about their husbands and I thank God for mine, and I really try not to get in that mine frame with them. First, because I know better and second I do not have anything to complain about. My husband is good to me. And, it would be a sin to complain.

When I read the word of how in Ephesians 5:22- "when it speaks about wives being submitted to your husbands as unto the Lord." I can truly say that it is easy to be submitted to my husband because he truly strives to love me as "Christ loves the church (Eph.5: 25)". My husband's goal and purpose in life is to the be the man of God he is called to be, and also to be a good provider to his family; and to be an awesome husband and father to us.

We talk a lot about how we can better ourselves in our walk with Christ. We truly strive to be the best we can to model godliness to our children. That is why I say how did I get so lucky?

However, I do believe God knew what I needed in a man. He found me someone to compliment me. To complete me in every sense of the word. Guy is my soul mate. I love him and I tell him that everyday. Every moment that we spent together is precious.

So, today I encourage you to love your husband. Truly love every aspect of him. To love his accomplishments because in true essence his accomplishments is your accomplishments. Today, love him with every fiber of your being. Show your husband the love that God has shown you.


Andrea said...

Thank you for your inspirational words. Oh that we could all be such a wonderful wife as you! Happy Father's Day to you and to Guy, I am sure this day carries a special meaning for the both of you. Many prayers and blessings going your way!

godsmercysaidno said...

Thank you for your honesty, and sharing your heart. You have blessed me, made me look at myself, and try to be a better wife.